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External - An external cheat is a type of cheat or hack that is applied from outside of a video game. It typically involves using third-party software or hardware to manipulate the game and gain an unfair advantage. This is often done by altering the game's code, modifying game files, or using exploits in the game's systems.

Internal - An internal cheat is a type of cheat or hack that is applied from within the game's code. It involves altering the game's code to gain an unfair advantage over other players. This can be done by modifying game files or using exploits in the game's systems. Internal cheats are often more difficult to detect than external cheats because they are integrated into the game itself.

2 PC Cheat setup (SAFEST FOR MAIN/LONG RUN) - 2 PC cheat setup involves using two computers to gain an unfair advantage in online gaming. The first PC is used to run the game, while the second PC runs the cheat software. By using two PCs, the cheat software can be run on a separate system, which makes it much more difficult for anti-cheat software to detect. This can give players an unfair advantage, such as the ability to see through walls or aim more accurately. To set up a 2 PC cheat setup, players typically need to have two separate computers, both connected to the internet, and a way to stream the game from one PC to the other. This can be done using various software solutions,

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